About the Vampire Breast Lift
Age, gravity, pregnancy, breast feeding, and significant weight changes can leave the skin of the breasts thin, wrinkled, and sagging. To rejuvenate the breasts without surgery, the Vampire Breast Lift applies PRP serum to the skin and soft tissue of the breasts. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) serum uses the natural growth factors found in your blood to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate the appearance of the breasts. Many patients see a visible improvement in their skin health and feel heightened sensations for greater sexual pleasure. Schedule a consultation to learn more about the nonsurigical Vampire Breast Lift at Refine Medical Spa in Southlake, TX.
Vampire Breast Lift Reviews
Ideal Candidates
Many women experience decreased skin elasticity in the breasts as they age, after childbirth, breast feeding, or significant weight changes. This can lead to drooping, sagging breasts that need more support for both comfort and a normal appearance. The Vampire Breast Lift is a great option for women who want firmer, tighter breast skin without surgery. Patients should schedule a consultation to determine if the Vampire Breast Lift is best for their needs and goals. The Vampire Breast is not appropriate for women for are currently pregnant or breast feeding.
What to Expect
In one of our comfortable treatment rooms, a technician will draw a small amount of blood from a vein in the patient's arm. The blood will be spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma and create the PRP serum. While the PRP serum is being prepared, the technician will apply a numbing cream to the chest area. Once the chest is numbed and the PRP serum is ready, the injections will be placed in strategic areas of the breast skin and tissue.
Anticipated Results
Most patients see an immediate improvement in their skin tone and the blood flow to the breasts. Many patients report an increased nipple sensitivity that improves their sexual pleasure. Over time, the skin and breast tissue will improve in appearance as the collagen production increases. For optimal results, patients should schedule 1 – 2 treatments and follow all post-treatment instructions provided.

Firm and Perky
Visibly rejuvenate your breasts with the nonsurgical Vampire Breast Lift at Refine Medical Spa in Southlake, TX. Using your own blood to stimulate blood flow and skin health, you could see thicker, firmer skin for age-defying cleavage.